DAR-UL-EHSAN DAR-UL-EHSAN, literally meaning "The House of Blessing" is a voluntary, ISLAMIC INSTITUTE, situated in the district of Faisalabad, Pakistan. DAR-UL-EHSAN's founder and organiser, our beloved Sheikh, was HAZRAT ABU ANEES MOHAMMAD BARKAT ALI (Quddas sirrah-ul- aziz), who we affectionately refer to as, BABAJI HAZOOR. Infact, BABAJI HAZOOR took a vow to
Hadrat Ala-ud-Din Ali Ahmed As-Sabir Kalyari (R.E.A), to devote his life
BABAJI HAZOOR has established a well equipped hospital for free use by everyone. Twice a year "Eye Camps" are held, where eye operations, accomodation for patients and relatives, food for all present are provided free of charge. Thousands of people, born blind have been blessed by eyeslight. SELF SERVICE TO THE UMMAH OF THE LAST PROPHET (S.A.W), WAS BABAJI'S AIM. At DAR-UL-EHSAN, BABAJI HAZOOR, had also opened the world's first Quran Mahal. Today, Qurans from all over the world, including some of the oldest Qurans in existence, are sent to DAR-UL-EHSAN, where they are beautifully restored to their former glory, and given the respect they deserve in the QURAN MAHAL. BABAJI HAZOOR is was also the author, the write of over 300 books, all on various aspects of ISLAM. These book which run into thousands of pages, are supplied free of charge for the benefit of the Ummah of The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). BABAJI HAZOOR had himself summarised
the path which DAR-UL- EHSAN follows.